An organization’s ability to anticipate, plan for, manage, and navigate through mergers, acquisitions, downsizing, and leadership changes and emerge stronger afterward is an important measure of the effectiveness of its leaders. Strategic communication plays a critical role in the change-management process, and students will examine best practices in organizational leadership and change management. Strategic communicators also need to understand organizations’ business goals, the motivations of their leaders, and the framework in which business decisions are made. Students will be introduced to major business principles and the terms, concepts, and values that guide organizations. The main themes that might be covered in this course are including, the concept of change and different perspectives of change in management and the models of how to manage change. Resistance to change is one of the important issue to be covered.     

Contemporary Issues in Marketing, Business Administration, Project Management, Finance Accounting and Health Care Management.

9085 - 7118 - 9900 - 7098