Course Code: 7027

Instructor: Mr. Adnan Aljawhari


Interpersonal Communication is a skill-building course. It is intended to help students understand the importance of communication in all aspects of their academic and personal life. The method of instruction is problem-based learning and team-based learning (PBL & TBL) giving students the opportunity to be the center of the learning process. The course covers an introduction to the subject, definitions, interpersonal communications theories, the listening skill clusters, assertion skills, and finally conflict management. 

Course Code: 7006

Instructor: Mr. Reem


The Principles of Management subject is a key course in management schools over the world. This course adopts a problem-based learning approach (PBL) in teaching and focuses mainly on essential themes that help students to have a good understanding of management principles and theories, and their applications in developing and developed countries. This, in turn, will allow students to be able to understand, discuss, and resolve real-world management problems with the focus being placed on the Libyan public and private business environment. Definitions of management, management functions, environmental factors, and other relevant subjects are key themes covered in this course.

Course Code7BAC203

Instructor: Buthaina Kulatchi 


    Academic writing is considered to be one of the essential skills in English, especially for students. In this course, we will shed some light on basic writing skills by acquiring both theoretical awareness and practical skills to form a well-organized essay, as well as extensive reading for better realization. This course aims to engage students to analyze, understand, and connect ideas through specific steps to produce well-constructed writing, also by following some teaching techniques inside the classroom such as teamwork, and peer review which will help them increase their knowledge, exchange information, find mistakes, and correct them. This procedure will help them in their upcoming academic life.