: صفحة الكلية على الفيسبوك 


الريادة محلياً ودولياً والتميز في العلوم الطبية التطبيقية و البحث العلمي و خدمة المجتمع والبيئة  

local and international leadership with an excellency in applied medical sciences,  Scientific research and Environment and Society services.


توفير بيئة محفزة للتعلم والإبداع والبحث العلمي ضمن خدمة متميزة.  كما توفر أعلى مستوى من متطلبات الجودة لإعداد خريجين يتمتعون بقدرات علمية وبحثية ومهنية عالية وقادرون على متابعة التطورات للمنافسة في سوق العمل والمساهمة في زيادة خدمة المجتمع والبيئة

Providing a stimulating environment for learning, creativity and scientific research among  providing a distinguished service. Also  providing the highest level of quality requirements to prepare graduates with high  scientific, researchable and professional abilities  who are capable to follow up the developments to compete in the labor market and contribute in increasing  service to the society and the environment... 

This course is designed to provide students with skills which they need in order to be able to conceptualize, analyze and eva

This course is designed to provide students with skills which they need in order to be able to conceptualize, analyze and evaluate arguments, information and evidence gathered from a variety of sources, such as observation, experience, reading and reflection. The purpose of this is to lead to rational practice in the formation of beliefs and the making of decisions. Emphasis is placed on practical exercises and examples drawn from real life situations in both science and society.